
Canasta: Using Canasta > Create wikis

The following covers how to create wikis via the Canasta command-line interface (CLI). For information on how to create them manually, see Manual download.

Create a wiki

Import an existing wiki

Create additional wikis (wiki farm)

You can create additional wikis on the same server by calling canasta create to create additional Canasta instances, but the generally much better approach is to call canasta add, which adds additional wikis to the same Canasta instance, thus turning the installation into what is known as a "wiki farm". A typical call on a server with the domain might look like:

sudo canasta create -i canastaId -w soccerwiki -u -s "Soccer Wiki" -a admin

There are various other flags for canasta add (10 in all); an important additional one is --database or -d, which lets you specify an existing database dump, thus providing an equivalent call to canasta import for a wiki farm setup.

There is no limit to how many wikis can be run within the same Canasta installation. As is typical for wiki farms, all wikis within the same installation will run on the same software, but using different databases and images directories.

To view all wikis within any installation, call canasta list; it will list all Canasta installations on the server, a well as all wikis contained within each installation.

To delete a specific wiki, but not the whole Canasta installation, call canasta delete; a typical call would look like:

sudo canasta remove -i canastaId -w soccerwiki